It’s a well-recognised fact that many people are afraid of dental procedures to the point of having a phobia.
At Longwood House in Ilford, Essex, we understand this very well and have specially trained staff that is knowledgeable in the available modalities by which to alleviate your anxiety.
One of the options is to have conscious sedation during dental treatment. This technique is suitable for most people, healthy or on medication; following a careful medical screen by our doctor.
One of the options is to have conscious sedation during dental treatment. This technique is suitable for most people, healthy or on medication; following a careful medical screen by our dentist.
Pregnant women, children younger than six years, or people with serious physical diseases would not be suitable for conscious sedation.
After the procedure patients are kept under supervision while recovering in a recovery area and discharge follows soon after.
Drowsiness after the procedure is common and an escort should be available at least for the following few hours. No serious decisions should be taken or dangerous machinery operated in the following 24 hours.
Throughout the procedure