Fissure Sealants

Preserve your smile’s radiance with our fissure sealant treatment in Ilford. Our experienced dentist will take careful measures to shield your teeth, providing a strong defense against decay. Embrace a proactive oral care approach and enjoy added confidence in your vibrant, healthy smile.

A fissure sealant is a tooth coloured varnish that is applied to Adult and children’s molars to reduce the risk of developing decay on those teeth. They can also be applied to areas in the mouth which show signs of early decay, this will then help to avoid larger fillings in the future.

The biting surfaces of molars have many grooves and pits and they are difficult to keep clean and therefore are prone to develop decay. The application of this varnish makes the tooth surface smoother, hence easier to clean, and also reduces the likelihood of bacteria sticking on the tooth.

At the check-up visit, your dentist will go through your medical history, check the health of your soft tissues, your teeth, and gums and carry out oral cancer screening. She will determine whether you or your children will benefit from this treatment.

On Which Teeth are Sealants Placed?

The back teeth are usually treated, especially the molars. These teeth have more pits and grooves for plaque to build up in. The possibility and need for this treatment vary per person, as the shape of teeth differs so much per tooth. Pit and fissure sealants are the most common types of sealants, lining the teeth with deeper ‘pits’ to ensure that the tooth will not develop cavities as a result of settling bacteria.

Do Dental Sealants Last for a Long Period?

Dental sealants can last for up to ten years and will be checked at regular intervals.