Cracked Teeth

Our experienced dentist provides effective care for cracked teeth, aiming to restore both your dental health and self-assurance. Our customized treatments target the specific issues of cracked teeth, ensuring your comfort and contentment at every step. Regain a strong, functional smile as we focus on your well-being through our dedicated cracked teeth treatments.

Are you in pain?

Is your dentist finding it difficult to localise the pain?

A tooth with a crack is difficult to diagnose. The symptoms can be varied from occasional pain on biting and chewing, or pain when you eat or drink something hot or cold.
Cracks rarely show up on X-rays and are difficult to see.

Why does my cracked tooth need to be treated?

Cracks can remain superficial, or they can propagate toward the centre of the tooth where the nerve tissue lies. This can cause considerable pain and eventual death of the tooth.

Cracks can cause differential movement of the separate parts of the tooth, the movement irritates the pulp and causes pain.

When the pulp is involved the tooth needs to be root treated to save it.

cracked molar

Can I do anything to prevent my teeth from cracking?

If you are aware of grinding or clenching your teeth please notify your dentist.
A mouthguard can be made to protect your teeth and sometimes break your habit.
Wear a mouth guard or a mask when playing contact sports.
Don’t chew on hard objects.
image to explain cracked tooth treatments

What treatment is needed for a cracked tooth?

The treatment needed depends on the severity of the crack.

If the crack only involves the outer surface of the tooth, the enamel, then this part of the tooth has a risk of completely fracturing off. Part of the tooth may break off. The dentist can remove this weakened portion and replace the area with a white filling or they may decide to strengthen and bind the tooth with a provision of a crown.

If the crack extends into the nerve, you will need root canal treatment to save the tooth. The crack may extend beyond and into the root or below the gum level. This is difficult to see, if this happens it may cause the tooth to split – it may still be possible with root canal treatment to save the larger portion of the tooth.